Luke Kehoe
City Engineer
STormwater Information
When rain flows over streets and other surfaces, it picks up pollutants and carries them into the stormwater conveyance “storm drain” system. Did you know that storm drains are NOT connected to sanitary sewer systems and treatment plants? This storm drain system is designed to prevent flooding by transporting water away from developed areas. However, this water is not filtered or treated, and all the contaminants it contains eventually flow to our streams and lakes where we swim and fish. Once there, polluted runoff can harm wildlife and habitats. In some cases, it can even cause stream/lake closures or make our fish unsafe to eat.

The City of Dardenne Prairie is committed to regulating corrective measures to mitigate the pollution problems associated with urban runoff. In addition, the City is legally mandated to implement the provisions of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Permit No. MOR040024. The permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) to reduce the negative impact to receiving waters (i.e., streams and lakes) from development runoff. The Dardenne Prairie SWMP provides a comprehensive approach to stormwater pollution management within the City. The Program has established a five-year action plan that will direct Dardenne Prairie’s stormwater management.

Illicit Discharge Ordinance No 1635

  • public education and outreach on stormwater impacts;
  • public involvement/participation;
  • illicit discharge detection & elimination;
  • construction site stormwater runoff control;
  • post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment; and
  • pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. The SWMP requires the protection of receiving waters through the incorporation of permanent stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) into project designs.
For private projects, all affected project applicants will be required to submit a project specific Water Quality Control Plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer. This document must identify any conditions of concern (i.e., potential impacts to downstream channels and habitat integrity) that could result from any proposed modifications to existing hydrologic conditions. Based on this information, the City Engineer will identify which site design, source control and treatment control BMPs have been incorporated into the project in conformance with the applicable SWMP requirements.

For public projects, the City will be required to ensure that SWMP requirements are incorporated into the development’s project design and bid specifications, prior to bidding for construction contracts. The SWMP requirements must also be shown in drawings and plans before the project is allowed to proceed into the grading and/or construction phase.

It is illegal to dump or spill anything but stormwater into a public storm drainage facility. A person or business that discharges pollutants into a storm drainage facility could be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up to $1,000 per violation per day and/or imprisonment for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year per violation per day.

  • Illegal dumping of used motor oil.
  • Spills that contaminate soils, water bodies or groundwater.
  • Immediate attention is given to cases that represent a threat to public health or the environment, or are in violation of the City’s illicit discharge code
There are two ways to report illegal dumping in storm drains.
    • By Phone – City Engineer, 636-755-5304
    • Online – Below